Be the focus of their attention
Spin It Wide is the world’s easiest and most effective media distribution tool for small businesses or large corporations to send their information to news media in the countries we service.
Spin It Wide was designed by experienced media consultants for use by any person or business to get their message quickly to news organisations.
The Spin It Wide team has produced an extensive list of media organisations. It’s a matter of writing your information, choosing your level of media distribution and then spinning it wide.
Get the publicity you deserve by signing up to Spin It Wide.
Your company’s information needs to be distributed to the media quickly. SPIN IT WIDE will send your press statements, speeches or articles direct to the news publishers and your own customized groups. Spin It Wide sends material to the generic email addresses provided by news organizations in the countries we service.
First, give your release an attractive and informative headline. This will appear in the subject line of the media distribution along with the name of your company – your Spin It Wide profile. Then, write your media information or copy and paste into the space provided. Unfinished work will be automatically saved so you can continue writing it later.
If you have photos or other illustrations that will add to the news value, you can attach these to your outgoing message. The next step is to choose your level of distribution. This is when you address your spin
It is important you send your message to the right people at the right place at the right time. Spin It Wide has an extensive media database. You can choose a distribution date set in the future or keep to the default “immediate” delivery option.
We ask our members to consider the importance of their press material before sending out. If you think your news is of national importance, then choose a “national” distribution. This will send your material to newspapers, radio and television stations interested in news that is of national importance. You can also target regional/state and local media.
Spin It Wide also allows members to develop their own list of personal contacts to receive your information. This ensures your own company’s stakeholders are kept informed of your important announcements. The next step is to Spin It Wide
Spin It Wide makes it easy to send information to the media. If you have got this far, then you are only a step away from getting your company’s material to the media of your choice. Here you will be asked to approve your media material.
This third step in spinning it wide will provide you with an illustrative email showing exactly how your material will look when it is received by the media. If you want to make changes, you can go back and revise it.
When you have given it your final approval, Spin It Wide.
The SPIN IT idea burst into life in 2004 after one of our shareholders – an experienced public relations consultant based in Wellington, New Zealand – was staying in a hotel in Bangkok, Thailand, and was required to send out press releases during an international meeting being held there. But the hotel was blocking emails sent to more than five people at a time. This resulted in a very long process sending out information to the media.
What was required was a website that could deal with media distribution for him. An online search found some websites, but they were expensive, required sending the information to another company who sent it out or they required some very complicated ticking of a huge number of boxes. The other websites gave the user no control over their information, were unwieldy, confusing and difficult to use and couldn’t justify their prices.
None of these satisfied our PR guy who sought something easy and straight-forward that anyone could use. After discussions with IT consultants and marketing interests, the original version of SPIN IT was launched in 2007. After testing and further development, we have launched the latest version of SPIN IT We believe it provides a tool that anyone can use to send their information to media organizations in the countries in our media database.
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